Let's Talk About Selling
What it is and What It is Not
Selling is about creating a future but we often find ourselves rehashing the past.
The True Definition of Selling
Working with clients to create a vision of a future possibility
that is compelling enough to change their actions in the present.
To accomplish this, you will need to develop skills able to cut through the client's Big Story (BS).
The True Definition of Story
A body of interpretations based on past experiences that shape one's view
of the future in a way that limits their actions in the present.
The challenge of selling is helping clients get free from the limitations of their story
so they can see the future possibility that already lies before them.
Three Phases of the Selling Continuum
Selling has six distinct sets of language skillsets that work together in an effective flow.
Every Selling Conversation That Works Follows This Path
Phase 1: Deal Generation Selling Skills
Skillset 1 - Building Client Partnerships - Generate Opportunities, Meetings & Proposals
First, we work to bring out your innate partnership building skills and put them to work so you get in the door more easily and build enduring partnerships with clients that generate repeat business, referrals, and recommendations.
Skillset 2 - Presenting With Power - Have Clients Receive, Retain & Replicate Your Message
Second, we work on your innate ability to present powerfully so that your audience is able to receive, retain, and replicate your message to answer questions that other stakeholders will surely ask.
Phase 2: Deal Execution Selling Skills
Skillset 3 - Launching Client Projects - Launch a Client Project on the Track to Success
Thirdly, we work with you to launch a client's project in such a way that it will get done by exposing the core challenge the client will need to overcome so the project gets launched in a direction toward full completion.
Skillset 4 - Managing Client Accountability - Work With Clients to Keep Them On Track
Fourth, you will learn how to manage client accountability over the course of the deal process so it stays on track and commitments made by the client become commitments kept while at the same time you learn how to only make commitments you can keep and keep the ones you make.
Phase 3: Deal Completion Selling Skills
Skillset 5 - Create Client Breakthroughs - Get Clients Unstuck So They Can Move Forward
Fifth, there is an inevitable point in a deal process when a client will get stuck in their thinking and be unable to move forward due to self-doubt and, in the face of that, you will develop your innate ability to create a client breakthrough such that they get back on track, taking the required actions.
Skillset 6 - Completing Client Projects - Generate Continuous Repeat Business and Referrals
Sixth, you will develop your skills at securing approvals, executing transactions, and celebrating success in a way that generates repeat business, referrals, and recommendations.
Once you develop the language skills within each phase of this CRE selling conversation continuum, your ability to achieve new levels of partnership and performance open up in major ways.
Get Your FREE "About Selling" eBook drawn from my recent book
Now Available on Amazon

This eBook will show you the language skills needed for the entire selling process.
You will get clear about the natural skills you have within you that you will need to develop.
You will also get a clear picture of , the counterproductive habits you have accumulated and that can undermine your performance.
Have a Great Awakening!
Get Your Free
"About Selling" eBook
Get an overview of the entire selling continuum of language skills.