Advisory Selling Method

Program Delivery & Pricing Options

There are Four Programs With Varied Delivery & Pricing Options

The following sequence of programs that build your skill development process. First we have introductory talks drawn from the book Selling The Truth that take what you may have read to a deeper level of experience. The next step is about changing who your are being with the Being a Trusted Advisor Series' of six sessions. To change your results you need to change your actions but to do that yoiu must first change who you are being. Changing your actions is next and happens by changing how you sell. We are all selling all of the time and so changing how we sell, will change everything including our results.

Program 1
Video Talks From the Selling The Truth Book

These video talks are drawn for specific section of my Selling The Truth Book and have been amplified from education to live empowerment.

Each Session & Series Per Person
All Free
Program 2 
Live Sessions
Being a Trusted Advisor Series

This series is based on the 6 principles of the advisory selling method.

Sessions & Series
$15 Per Session
$75 Per Series
Per Person
Get One Free
Program 3
Building Partnerships Launch Program

This launch program introduces the 3 Building Partnerships Practices,

Four Sessions
$300 for Group
$600 for Private
$900 for Combined
Per Person
Program 4
Building Partnerships Community

These weekly group sessions offer scripting and roleplay of the 3 practices building partnership 

Weekly Sessions
$25 when Paid Monthly $65 if Paid Quarterly $195 if Paid Annually
Per Person

There are 3 Advanced Skill Development Programs

The following sequence of programs continue to build your skill development process. They should be taken after you complete the Building Partnerships Launch Program, First we have  a total of six skill development modules including the advanced version of Building Partnerships. Then there are 6 application toolsets each with six toolkits. Finally there is a set of strategic game navigation trainings with an online tool subscription. Together these programs represent the full scope of the Advisory Selling Method skill development process.

Advanced Skill Development Learning Modules

These advanced modules  cover each phase of a selling conversation continuum from initial contact to project completion.

They include:

Module 1: Building Partnerships

Module 2: Presenting With Power

Module 3: Launching Projects

Module 4: Managing Accountability

Module 5: Creating Breakthroughs

Module 6: Completing Projects 

Eight Sessions
$75 Per Group Session
$150 Per Private Session
$195 Combination of Both

Group Sessions - 60 Minutes 

Private Sessions - 30 Minutes

Advanced Practical Application Toolsets & Toolkits

Each toolset contains 6 toolkits and each optimally requires a minimum of two sessions to complete either in group and/or private formats.

They include:

Toolset 1: Target Marketing

Toolset 2: Marketing Campaigns

Toolset 3: Outreach Campaigns

Toolset  4: Meeting Preparation

Toolset  5: Analysis Process

Toolset  6: Team Architecture

Twelve Sessions Each
$75 Per Group Session
$150 Per Private Session
$195 Combination of Both

Group Sessions - 60 Minutes 

Private Sessions - 30 Minutes

Advanced Strategic Game Navigation Trainings & Online Tools

Each toolset contains 6 toolkits and each requires a minimum of one session to complete and an ongoing tool subscription.

They include:

Training 1: Strategic Game Design

Training 2: Strategic Time Navigation

Training 3: Accountability Managing

Training 4: Project Coordination

Training 5: People Delegation

Training 6: Process Regulation

Six Sessions Each
$75 Per Group Session
$150 Per Private Session
$195 Combination of Both

Group Sessions - 60 Minutes 

Private Sessions - 30 Minutes


Schedule a Personal Coaching Moment

Bring Your Questions, Concerns, & Challenges to Our Conversation

Everything you need is already within you and by working together we can bring that out and put it to work effectively. We will explore where you stand today, where you want to take things in the future, and how you can get there in a bigger, faster, better way than you might do on your own. 

I promise you a game changing conversation!



Meet Your Coach

Meet Paul Roth, the author of the groundbreaking book, Selling the Truth, and creator of the Advisory Selling Method. With over two decades of experience, Paul has been a trusted advisor to countless professionals, businesses, and major corporations.

Paul's mission is to ignite the potential within every individual and unleash their brilliance. He excels at helping surpass even their wildest expectations, achieving outcomes that go beyond anything they could have previously imagined.

At the heart of Paul's teachings lies the Advisory Selling Method - a meticulously crafted framework born out of intensive development and rigorous testing. Those who embrace this method make significant leaps in their performance and become more consequential in their own life, the lives of others and their world.