Connect With Your Audience 

With Greater Power, Velocity & Certainty

So They Fully Receive, Retain & Replicate Your Message

Led by Author & Transformative Coach Paul Roth 

Get Ready For a Big Change In Your Business

Presenting With Power

Skill Development Program

 Is the Second Critical Step in the Language Mastery Process of the

Advisory Selling Method


  • You already have these skills within you; they just need to be brought out and put to work consistently.
  • Once you master the language of presentation, your conversations will have game changing results.
  • This program gives you the training and tools you need to make this happen more and more over time.

Session 1

Power Presentations

Universal Conversation Overview


This Program Features 3 Practices in 8 Weeks 

Practice 1: Strategic Analysis

Practice 2: Positioning Value

Practice 3: Building Presentations

Sessions 2 & 3

Practice 1

Strategic Analysis

Scripting & Roleplay

This practice gives your audience an in depth understanding of the realities they are facing, the options available to them, and your recommended best course of action.


Sessions 4 & 5

Practice 2 

Positioning Your Value

Scripting & Roleplay

This practice gives you a framework for laying out how your platform, people, and process can solve the clients problems and accomplish their project.


Sessions 6 & 7

Practice 3

Building Presentations

Scripting & Roleplay

This practice offers up the Universal Conversation model you can use to structure your conversation so you message gets through to your audience.


Session 8

Power Presentations 


This session reviews what you have learned about how to build effective presentations by applying the three practices Strategic Analysis, Positioning Your Value & Building Presentations.


  • This program is delivered to individuals, partners, teams, and companies in 8 Private, Group, or Team Sessions spread over 8 or 16 weeks. 
  • We begin with an overview session and end with a completion session. In between, there are six weeks of intensive alternating Scripting & Roleplay Sessions for each practice.
  • To support your success, there will be optional Additional  Transformative Coaching Sessions that can guide you through the process of developing these natural skills more deeply during the program or after it has been completed.
Get Started