Want a Game Worth Winning?
You Must Alter You Vision For the Future
These Trainings Ensure You Navigate a Future Right For You!
Led by Author & Transformative Coach Paul Roth
Get Ready to Create & Navigate Your Future
By Incorporating Our Six
Strategic Game Navigation Training
& Online Application Tool Subscriptions
- Pilots has five components to work with - Destination, Flight Plan, Gauges, Controls, & Skills.
- Passengers have a different set of components - a Seat, Seatbelt, Luggage, Potato Chips, and a Video
- The following tools will get you up out of the passenger seat and into the pilot seat with these six tools.
Online Tool 1 - Training & Tool Subscription
Game Designer
Create a new relationship with your future by designing a game worth playing and winning then developing a plan of action that will get you there fully.
Online Tool 2 - Training & Tool Subscription
Time Navigator
Create an entirely new relationship with time such that you stop trying to manage what can't be managed and start navigating the day to day chaos more effectively.
Online Tool 3 - Training & Tool Subscription
Accountability Manager
Our most essential human skill is making commitments and managing ourselves to keep them and, as leaders, managing others to make and keep their own commitments.
These tool training programs lead to a subscription to the tool for a period of time. These tool trainings are delivered to individuals, partners, teams, and companies in 8 Private, Group, or Team Sessions spread over 8 or 16 weeks.
We begin with an overview of the tool and it's unique features. These features include:
Built-in computer assisted learning (CAL)
Built-In Virtual Collaboration
Ongoing Private Coaching Sessions
Application Tool Community Sessions where you can get your questions answered and share your insights and accomplishments
Learn from other's challenges & breakthroughs as they learn from you as your process gets revealed