Advisory Selling Method 

Sales Professionals, Coaches, Consultants & Advisors


Every Conversation You Have is a Selling Conversation

The Future of Selling is Changing - Are You Ready?



Why is it Important to Know That Everything You Need is Already Within You?

It may come as a surprise to you, but every conversation, we have is a selling conversation and we can do no other. This is something we were born with but never realized. This is true as a parent, teacher, manager, agent of some kind, or any human being for that matter.  Most of us feel some apprehension at the thought of selling. It is time to end our uncertainty.

The Advisory Selling Method is designed to bring out your natural advisory skills and help you put them to work effectively. Results are immediate because what you are doing is serving others, not yourself. Selling becomes more efficient, effective, empowering, enjoyable and easy.

If you are willing to give up the tired selling habits you inherited, acquired, and developed over the years, you can unleash your natural advisory skills.

As a professional selling agent, service rep, client advisor, coach, or consultant, Advisory Selling empowers you to take command of your selling conversations as never before. 

How Does the Advisory Selling Method Work?

The Advisory Selling Method (ASM) shifts how you sell and creates a major leap in your selling results.
  • Each Module contains three practices which work together to produce an intended result in a powerfully dynamic modular learning architecture.
  • Once you learn the practices ASM teaches, you will see them happening all around you and in every conversation you have. They are always there.
  • As you practice these practices, you will bring out your innate advisory selling skills and put them to work in a way that produces immediate results.
  • Over time, as you change who you are being from a survival driven agenda-based selling agent that clients avoid to a service driven commitment-based trusted advisor,  clients will seek you out.

ASM has worked for professional selling agents, managers, and executives as well as professional consultants, coaches, advisors, service reps in many different industries. This approach has been developed and intensely tested for nearly two decades.  For many who have learned this method, significant recognition and reward became available with far less effort and in far less time.

As You Change How Sell You Become a Truer Version of Yourself 

ASM Offers Six Skill Development Coaching Modules

Delivered in a Series of Private, Group, or Team Coaching Sessions
(These can be delivered to small business teams, larger companies, and major corporations.)
Module 1
Module 2
With Power
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6

What Makes This Module So Foundational?

Building Partnerships

There is Nothing More Essential to an Effective Selling Conversation
Building Partnership Provides the Fundamentals Needed for Every Other Advisory Selling Conversation
This Coaching Module is therefore the Prerequisite for any other Module.
In the Program You Learn 3 Practices that Work Together to Build Client Partnerships
  • Building Partnerships is the set of essential language skills that are the foundation of the entire Advisory Selling Method.
  • In the process of developing these skills, you become more adept at turning every conversation into an opportunity to develop a strong alliance with clients from word one.
  • Meetings become more impactful, client relationships more enduring, and results continue to improve over time. 
Practice 1
Evoking Rapport

Convert a client's automatic protective listening into more open and receptive listening. 


Practice 2
Generating Projects

Move clients away from the story they tell about their situation and toward a compelling new possibility.


Practice 3
Forging Partnership

Use the power of being a trusted advisor to speak a productive partnership with a client into existence. 


Find Out About This Program

Meet Paul Roth, the author of the groundbreaking book, Selling the Truth, and creator of the Advisory Selling Method. With over two decades of experience, Paul has been a trusted advisor to countless professionals, businesses, and major corporations.

Paul's mission is to ignite the potential within every individual and unleash their brilliance. He excels at helping people surpass even their wildest expectations, achieving outcomes that go beyond anything they could have previously imagined.

At the heart of Paul's teachings lies the Advisory Selling Method - a meticulously crafted framework born out of intensive development and rigorous testing. Those who embrace this method make significant leaps in their performance and become more consequential in their own life and the lives of others.

What You Can Expect From Working with Paul...

“My first project with Paul was moving out of my parents’ house. He worked with me to grow from a junior agent to a senior agent, then from a regional manager to a division manager.  Now, many years later, I am in the number two executive position in a top national firm. I still go back into the Building Partnership Practices and practice. It's like a martial art but for selling."

– Richard Blake, Senior Agent

“When I started with Paul, I was a Junior agent making just above a 100 thousand a year. We worked together for twenty years, and my biggest year was 11 million - just me and my team. It is one thing to have good fortune and a good market but altogether another thing to become a sought-after advisor who clients look forward to working with."

– Sarah Atkins, Sales Team Leader

“I thought my career might be coming to a close until I worked with Paul Roth. We started working together as I struggled to get my new office from 2 to 3 million.  Six years later, I had opened a second office and we got to a total of 37 million between the two offices.  As Paul developed the Advisory Selling Method, he taught me how to teach the method to my teams."

– Gene Robinson, Regional Sales Manager

Here Are a Few of the Companies We Have Helped

We've worked with entire companies in selling and operations, a large number of admin and selling teams, and a host of individual agents and managers.